Instructions on the Outer and Inner Preliminary Practices for the Great Perfection Cycle The Natural Freedom of Samsara and Nirvana
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“My lord lama, the great tertön Pegyal Lingpa, stated that I needed to write a commentary on the more common outer preliminaries according to his own direct lineage. I therefore composed the practical instructions herein entitled The Nail That Pins Down the Key Points of Pith Instructions. Herein is also found the text The Precious Lamp of Profound Meaning, by Rigdzin Tukchok Dorje, an instruction manual on the uncommon inner preliminaries that derives from the earlier terma cycle. These have been compiled together in order to facilitate people’s practice: in addition, this volume is part of the plan to compile and publish texts for those undertaking the three-year retreat program at the Namchak Retreat Ranch, involving a complete practice of the stages of development and completion.”
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